Subject: Macbsd mailarchive?
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Kohler <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/11/1995 13:55:19

I'm following the mailing list since several months. I have an LC III and
unfortunately, macbsd doesn't run on it yet. However, I got recently my
hands on a MacII, but I have still problems with the mrg kernel and the
"biodone already" panic bug. I remember that there were discussions about
these problems. So: Is there a archive of the old macbsd-general mails?



| Peter Kohler                             | Phone:  (-41) 1 632 68 69      |
| Swiss Federal Institute of Technology    |   FAX:  (-41) 1 632 12 10      |
| Electronics Laboratory ETZ H63           |                                |
| Gloriastrasse 35                         | Email:  |
|                                          |                                |
| CH-8092 Zurich                           |                                |