Subject: Re: Finding kernel source for netbsd.patched
To: None <, macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/24/1995 12:11:02
At  4:32 PM 4/24/95 +1000, Paul Craig Tyler wrote:
>I'd like to find the kernel source for the kernel named
>netbsd10.patched found at URL
>  I intend
>to work on the problems with non-standard video sizes and the grf device
>drivers on the IIci.  I've been looking all day but can't find what I'm
>looking for.  Any pointers would be appreciated.
>Paul Tyler

The source is the same as that for the 1.0 kernel, except for a small patch
that is in a README file.  I think the relevant README should be very close
to the kernel on the same file server.

Henry B. Hotz

The opinions expressed are my own,
not Loral's, and not Librascope's.