Subject: Re: A coupla questions
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Erik Vogan <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 03/17/1995 13:50:51
On Fri, 17 Mar 1995, Alex wrote:

> My other problem:
> I was attempting to dial in SL/IP using the HOWTO doc.
> After a 'cu -l /dev/tty00 -s 19200'
> I get a connected message, only when I try to type in anything I get...
> 'cu: write: Input/Output error'
> 'Disconnect'

	I was having a problem similar to this with tip (which I attempted
to set up correctly last night).  I narrowed it down to the modification rights 
on the file /dev/tty00.  My question, how do you correctly set r/w 
permissions for these files (ie, in a secure way??).  I just set tty00 
world readable/writeable, which works because I am the only user on the 
system, and I won't tromp on UUCP (I don't think?).  But the user/group 
for the lock files is UUCP/something.  I'm sure this has some significance.
	Is what I did a viable approach ?? And how do you allow a normal 
user (not root) to redirect to the modem using '< /dev/tty00 > 
/dev/tty00' ?  When I tried this as a normal user I get a console message 
the ser00 is busy, and my process dies!!
