Subject: Anyone ported 'nroff' or 'dip'?
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bradley Carlson <carlson@Free-Net.Mpls-StPaul.MN.US>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/17/1995 13:59:28
Now that I've got a whopping dozen or so man pages (is there a PD source
for the general ones?), I've found that the NetBSD install doesn't include
nroff().  Is there a public source for nroff, or something other people are
using in its place?  I suppose 'groff -a' might do something, but...

On another note, it appears that most people use slattach() to handle SLIP
connections.  Are there any tools to automate this?  I've looked for the
'dip' utility, but have only come up with the linux sources (yuck!).

-Bradley Carlson

"...Cause THAT'S what Tiggers love Best!"