Subject: Re: scsi2 drives
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/27/1994 05:57:15
>Is anyone else using a scsi-2 drive on their bsd systems?  The 540
>I bought is a scsi-2 and I've noticed good speed gains surpisingly
>but it also seems to mess the adb before I type DT in.
>just curiosty.
>Could the scsi-2 be the cause of my formatting problems of a few weeks ago?

Hmm.  I got a SCSI-2 drive, and I've been plagued with "panic: biodone
already" messages, as well as having the ADB problem.  I'm working on
testing a patch for the scsi code today - I'll let y'all know later on if
it works.

BTW, I've found it to be much easier to use the "screen-3.5.2" utility
(found on
etBSD/contrib) as the shell for my personal account.  Then, it starts up
the screen multiplexor as soon as I get logged in, before the ADB can hang.
I haven't yet tried using dt as my shell, but it should work, too.

| Paul Goyette            | PGP Public key available on request  |
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