Subject: Re: Question on formatting software.
To: Tom 'moof' Spindler <>
From: Steven R. Weiss <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/02/1994 00:41:26
Chip Burkhead asked:
>    Does anyone have formatting software that will do Unix partitions that 
> they especially like? I used the APS Disk Formatter software and it did 
> the partitions; but it creates more than I want. It makes a Root & Usr, 
> Swap, & Eschetology(sp?). I have no idea what the third one is for; but 
> it is using up about 3M of my disk space and I need all I can get. I also 
> can't find a way to not make this partition or to delete it and move the 
> freed space to another partition.

Tom Spindler responded:
> I use APS 2.7.3 or something like that, and all I have to do is hit the
> partition button, answer 'no', and then in the graphic partition map,
> just create a new partition of any type I like.

I don't know what version of APS disk tools you have, Chip, but
APS doesn't write software. The earlier "APS Power Tools" were written
by Apollyonics. These were replaced by Transoft, which goes up through 2.7.x
I agree with Tom that 2.7 offers the most flexibility. You can even repartition
part of a disk without losing files on partitions that were left alone.
It doesn't make partitions you don't want.

APS is now shipping 3.0.5, written by yet another company, Prosoft.
It has a whole new look.
It offers support for the new SCSI manager and Power Macs, but offers
nothing of value for the MacBSD community. Repartitioning with that one
is always a whole disk affair, and the options are more limited.

I'd stay with 2.7 from Transoft for MacBSD, but I'm not sure about its
legality unless you have an APS drive in your collection.
If so, check with APS if you can upgrade your software to 2.7.x
(1-800-334-7550 APS Tech support).

-srw    Steve Weiss,