Subject: Re: Biodone...
To: John E. Clark <>
From: Allen 'Time?' Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/28/1994 07:23:47
> biodone alreay...

Hmmm...  Can you send me your configuration and a list of everything
that you were doing at the time?  I'm interested in the number of SCSI
devices you have, the approximate length of the cable, the size of your
BSD partitions, and anything else you think relevant.

I was seeing some very evil SCSI errors with one of the cables I have
around.  They did not show up in MacOS, so I think that the MacOS was
being more robust in some fashion--whether sending the data in a
different mode (full handshaking vs. pseudo-dma) or by full verify of
the data, I don't know.

> I don't know if the fact that I'm using a Mac II, which is
> 'slow' is part of the reason I see this crash so fequently
> or what.

I've had a Mac II up doing lots of things w/o seeing this problem.

My best guess at the moment is that you have a noisy SCSI cable or
you tripped over a bug that I haven't seen before.  The SCSI driver
is definitely more sensitive than MacOS drivers are.  It needs work,
but has been very stable on a number of systems.  :-(


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **