Subject: Re: current available macbsd
To: Tony Doan <>
From: Allen 'Time?' Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/13/1994 08:11:24
> However I found the Beta directory on cray-ymp to be closed to anonymous
> users.  Have I missed something? Did the beta get retracted? Can I still
> get alpha 1 or 0 somewhere?

_That_ BETA (1.0-BETA) has always been restricted.  I'm having problems
with the kernel and want to get those squared away before opening that
up for everyone.  I hope to have it ready this weekend.

> Also, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the state of the ethernet
> driver.

It's not working.  There is at least one person working actively on
it, though, and I expect that it's only a matter of time before it's


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **