Subject: Re: '040
To: Marco Ridoni <>
From: Allen `Tell me three times' Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/04/1994 23:20:38
> Are there any news about a new kernel for '040's. My "very strange" LC475
> is waiting. Ha~rd I known, maybe a plain vanilla IIVX was better...

Nope.  I'm busy working on the 1.0 release stuffage, starting classes, and
working for a living.  As soon as I get a beta 1.0 release out, I'll be
back to work on the SCSI drivers for the Q700.


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **
 "We'll call you when you're 6 years old and drag you to the factory to drain
  your brain for 18 years with promise of security, but then you're free
  and 40 years you waste to chase the dollar sign so you may die in Florida"
