Subject: Re: Dazed
To: Erik Speckman <>
From: Matt Roca <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/03/1994 08:24:30
> >> Brad Grantham, >+------+< Happily slaved to
> >>NetBSD/Mac68k!
> >> MacBSD : II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, SE/30, IIsi, IIvx -- The list is growing...
> >>
> >Hold on here, there *IS* support for the IIvx? I read an FAQ dated July 14
> >stating a planned support for the IIvx in about 2 months.
> >-Matt
> It sort of works if you can set up a SLIP connection to another machine
Would the SLIP connection be on the MacOS? I don't understand what the need for
the SLIP connection is. I could set up a SLIP connection, but then how would 
that help me install/use MacBSD?
