Subject: bash patch worked
To: David Carrel <>
From: Peter Siebold <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/19/1994 11:06:27
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On Mon, 18 Jul 1994, David Carrel wrote:

> > Quick general question.  dt with the new kernel requires bash right?  If 
> > it does, where is the port to NetBSD?  Bash 1.14 does not compile.  Is 
> > there a way to make the dt uses csh instead of bash.
> The following patch will make bash-1.14.1 compile on the hp300 and should
> get it working on ANY m68k flavor of NetBSD.  (I sent this in recently to
> bash-bugs.)  This took very little on my part.

Yes this patch worked great.  Although it took an hour to compile, I now 
have bash.  Unfortunatly the dt still doesn't work, so I will wait until 
we get the updated versions and try those out.


Peter Siebold    ___|___ 	  
  						-------( )------  
When you soar among the birds WHAT do you feel?       o/ \o	  

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