Subject: Re: download conversion
To: Michael J. Laporte <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/03/1994 07:44:59
> I just downloaed all the binaries from hulk from the beta-0 directory
> and they all have the *.tgz format..does anyone know of a utility
> it handle this type of file? I have stuffit deluxe and I cant fdind
> a way to do it..thakns
There is a GNU zip utility out there somewhere Mac Gzip, maybe, that
will unzip the files. The tgz says that the files is a gzipped tar
file. The tar file is the input to the installer.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **
= Over the years you swam the ocean following feelings of your own [...] =
== It's a shame to have to die to put the shadow on our eyes. We don't ==
=== want to care. Under the bridge. Over the phone. Wind on the Water. ===