Subject: Hey, totall newbie wonderment question..
To: MacBSD <>
From: Stephen L. Lange <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/10/1994 23:44:09
After betting a FreeBSD friend of mine that there was no PD unix available
for the macintosh, he gave me this groups information and I now subscribe
here.  Bets are a wonderfull thing, they raise the competitive spirit and
get information most of the time.  But I digress..

What I was wondering is what hopes do I have in seeing a future release of
MacBSD that can be used on my Centris 610.  I have a double whammy here. 
1) Its a 68040, and 2) It has no FPU.  Talk about bad luck eh?  Well I
have heard SoftFPU might get me by, but what plans if any are there to
make it compatible with the 040??  

Thanks for the information.

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