Subject: Emacs problem solved!
To: None <>
From: Scott Kaplan <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/19/1994 12:30:06
Thanks to Alan Briggs for sending me a copy of the d7 definition in his
termcap file.  I'm not sure why mine wasn't there (I think I may have
replaced the termcap file by mistake with one that came with emacs), but
I pasted a copy in and all seems well.  Emacs, so far, seems to work quite
nicely.  Now I can really do something useful with macBSD!

On the kernel compilation front, I have tried config GENERIC, but with no
more luck.  I have a feeling that my problem is placement of directories.
I decompressed and untarred the ksrc file, and got a sys and a lib
directory.  However, I'm not quite sure where to put these, nor where I
should be to run config in order to get a Makefile for the kernel.  Any
help would be wonderful.

Scott Kaplan
