Subject: Re: MacBSD from
To: Stephen Knight <>
From: Brett <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/12/1994 15:40:50
> Greetings,
>   I recently downloaded MacBSD from cray-ymp (via TurboGopher) and I
> need to know the format of the .bin files I received.  For example,
> "booter.1.1.cpt.bin" or "usr.sbin.tar.cpt.bin"?  I've tried setting the
> creator and filetype for CompactPro, running SunTAR over them, UU decoders
> and Zip utilites...nada.
>   Suggestions?

".bin" is the suffix for MacBinary.  Set MacBinary in transfer mode,
with some transfer utility like Fetch.   The resulting file will be
"booter.1.1.cpt", a Compactor Pro archive.

Hope that helps.

Brett Hazen
107 Ayres Hall				2521 Kingston Pike #2005
Department of Computer Science		Knoxville, TN 37919-3318 USA
University of Tennssee			Work:  +1 615 974 5784
Knoxville, TN  37996-1301		Home:  +1 615 673 3226
