Subject: Which serial port is which ???
To: None <>
From: Scott Seaton <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/21/1994 12:02:33

I'm just about to try SLIP, but I need to know which port (modem vs.
printer) is mapped to which device (ser0 & ser1)...

I installed MacBSD on my SE/30 about a month ago, how often are the
tar files on cray-ymp updated by the Alice team ? Should I download
the source and binary tar files every once in a while, or only when
a new release is made (ie Alpha3 etc) ?

 _________________________Scott Seaton, CSIRO IISE,_______________________    
|    ___ ___   __  ___                                                    |
|    | | | |  |  | |       PO Box 93, North Ryde, NSW, Australia 2113.    |
|    | | | |  |__  |_      Phone: +61 2 887 8170  Fax: +61 2 887 2736     |
|    | | | |     | |       E-mail: sseaton@iise.CSIRO.AU                  |
|   _|_|_|_|_ |__| |__                                                    |
