Subject: Unable to set root password
To: None <>
From: Scott Seaton <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/22/1993 09:11:57
Does anyone else have this problem ? I install MacBSD, boot up in single
user mode, "passwd root" doesn't work, so I edit /etc/master.passwd and
remove the root password by hand, hit ^D to go to multiuser, and am still
unable to login as root !!!!

ie /etc/master.passwd looks something like:
root::0:0::0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh
     ==================  password was here

Surely someone must have found how to set a new root password.....

There are two files, /etc/pwd.db and /etc/spwd.db, do these have anything
to do with it ? The password manual page mentions kerberos, is NetBSD
setup to use kerberos as standard ?

How different is MacBSD from NetBSD ? I'll try posting in comp.unix.bsd

If all else fails would it be possible for the MacBSD guys to put a
"dummy" root password on kitten, create a new etc.tar file and post the
password, together with the tar file (I guess with a warning that the
root password is not secure :) )

Thanks for your patience
 _________________________Scott Seaton, CSIRO IISE,_______________________    
|    ___ ___   __  ___                                                    |
|    | | | |  |  | |       PO Box 93, North Ryde, NSW, Australia 2113.    |
|    | | | |  |__  |_      Phone: +61 2 887 8170  Fax: +61 2 887 2736     |
|    | | | |     | |       E-mail: sseaton@iise.CSIRO.AU                  |
|   _|_|_|_|_ |__| |__                                                    |
