Subject: Re: $$, use of funds
To: <>
From: jim howard <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/01/1993 23:54:41
> I am also willing to contribute $20, even though I have not (yet) tried out 
> [...]
> My preference would be for the IIsi, but in case of overflow, if you have
> already sufficient contributions for that machine, I would be glad to let
> it be used for the port to some other machine, of your choice.
shouldnt any funds for machine rental be used at the 
discretion of the people who will be doing the renting?
i mean, i think its just a bad idea for anyone to offer
money only 'if you'll use it for a MacXYZ'
or 'for a port to my machine'

the idea here is simply to increase the system compatibility 
of NetBSD/Mac, to run on as many systems as possible,
but not nescecarily on all of them imediately...

if you guys think youre close on the IIsi, rent one of those,
if you think youre close on the IIfx, get one of those...
whatever you think is best.

jim h.

Jim Howard                   Voice: (404)373-7082
Agnes Scott College       Internet:
Decatur, Georgia          Internet:
