Subject: Re: Development for '040 Macs?
To: Tom Rowlands <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 08/30/1995 18:34:12
> So the problem is SCSI?
That's one of the problems. I'm actually working on that one, now,
using the Alpha's esp driver (which was derived from the sparc driver)
even though there have been some mutterings that a better driver might
be in the works. Right now, I just want something to test some ideas.
> What can I do? I'm not sure I can do much, but I can always tryĆ :-\
I'm not sure what anyone can do to help unless they can build kernels on
their system.
> Somthing else I have been thinking about for quite some time, is there a
> list of all the features MacBSD supports and doesn't?
Like what?
> Another curiosity of mine is that what made you want to port NetBSD in the
> first place? Why was it NetBSD over Linux? (Not showing any preference.
Well, Linux was hardly around when the first work was started. We
started working with BSD Net/2 and then when 386BSD came out, we plugged
some of the more m.i. parts in from that, and then ported to NetBSD 0.8
when that showed up later. By the time Linux got really popular, we
were kind of committed and haven't seen any real reason to switch... ;-)
[ I haven't regretted it, either. ]
> Is this supposed to mean that MacBSD should be refered to as "NetBSD/mac68k"?
Yes. It's more of a mouthful, but I think it reduces the confusion
somewhat to not go around calling it two or three different things.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
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