Subject: Re: kernel sources
To: Tony Doan <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 05/22/1994 10:22:56
> I think this was brought up recently but I missed the answer.
> How close are the MacBSD kernel sources to the NetBSD-current 
> kernel sources? The -current stuff seems to be going through
> some serious changes of late. Does MacBSD have these headaches
> to look forward to? Or do we sit tight till the majority of
> things have been changed and then make a big jump?

I'm running behind, as I mentioned in my answer to Ken.  There are
only a few people actually actively building kernels and such for
MacBSD.  You shouldn't see those headaches unless you're building
everything yourself from current sources.  There are a number of people
doing this on the intel platform.  Not many on the others.

It will be a big jump.  If you're installing a binary release, you
shouldn't see it as that big of a jump ;-)


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **
= Over the years you swam the ocean following feelings of your own [...]  =
== It's a shame to have to die to put the shadow on our eyes.  We don't  ==
=== want to care. Under the bridge. Over the phone. Wind on the Water.  ===
