Subject: Filtering mail....
To: None <>
From: The Shrimmmer <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 02/15/1994 19:43:56

This gives me a chance to ask if any of you have any filtering mail 
code workin. I know you could use filter for elm. I was interested
in somethin different globally. Perhaps procmail or somethin like that.
I remember reading a mail about it some time ago. If anyone has compiled
procmail on macbsd/BSD43/sysv/mips/sunos....the rest if you could drop
me a line with some cues on procmail, i would appreciate it.

PS: Let me know if you recieve more than one copy of this mail. :-)
(_@_)                           _______                               (_@_)
|   |   Sriram NCV              |  |  |                               |   |
|   |   Computer Services          |   |   |
|   |   Temple University          | |   |
|   |   Philadelphia PA - 19122   ---   MIME enclosures ok            |   |
  I                                                                     I
