Subject: Bay area NetBSD/Mac pizza reminder
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 12/07/1993 14:08:26
Here's a reminder about the first Bay Area NetBSD/Mac Pizza Dinner.
My apologies for the mailing list members who wanted me to relocate
to Finland or Britain; I'm afraid that will have to wait until
January's pizza night. :)  Perhaps this is a little oddly scheduled,
since it follows the SVNET PD OS panel by three days...  It can't
be helped.

Who's invited: Any and all parties interested in or involved with
    NetBSD on any platform (especially the Macintosh) that are within
    a convenient distance from Santa Clara (in California, USA.)

Where: By-The-Bucket, a gourmet pizza restaurant on Steven's Creek Blvd at
    the Lawrence Expressway.  (Directions follow below)

When: Saturday, December 11th, 6:30 PM.

What: Discussions of NetBSD, grousing about bad hardware specs,
    and discussion about the upcoming port of NetBSD to the TI-99/4A, in
    addition to good food.

Contact: Brad Grantham
         408/894-7244 during the day, 9 to 6
         408/248-8439 evenings before 12.

Please let me know if you would desperately like to go but have a
location/timing/transportation restriction; I can probably change
details.  If anyone who needs a ride (from, say, Berkeley or Santa Cruz)
will get in touch with me, I will be happy to coordinate transportation.
It would be nice if people could RSVP so that I can get a good idea of
how large a table to reserve.  (Or if I should just reserve one seat at
the bar.)

*** By-th-Bucket (which sells excellent gourmet pizza)
    is located at 4565 Stevens Creek Blvd, between Lawrence Expressway
and Woodhams Rd.
    The basic idea is: Get on 280 into Santa Clara, take *ramp* to the
Lawrence Expressway North, but don't get on.  Continue down the ramp
to Stevens Creek Boulevard, and turn right.  By-th-Bucket is on the
North/Left side of Stevens Creek, after about four blocks.  If you
cross Woodhams, you've gone too far.
    From the South, take 17 North to the 280 West (or North?) exit.
    From Peninsula points, take 280 South to the Lawrence Expwy exit.
    From Berkeley-ward, take 880 South to 280 West.
    The phone number is 408/248-6244 if you wish more detailed directions,
and I can always draw you a map in crayon and fax it to the receiver of
your choice.  (I know my directions are slightly less than perfect.)

    -Brad "No, really, sleep deprivation builds character" Grantham
