Subject: None
To: None <m68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven B. Reid <>
List: m68k
Date: 06/02/1996 11:54:09
I am trying to install Netbsd on the mac. I am new at this, and am
embarassed to ask the following question. I have tried to convert
the base11 and netbsd11 files and keep getting the message below.
I have tried every file conversion program possible to put the files
in the correct format for the installer but keep getting the message
below. I have used stuffit expander, and Macbinary II+. I know its
probably something simple, does anyone know what the problem
may be??

>MacBSD UFS file and install utility.
>Copyright (c) 1994 Allen Briggs, Michael Finch, Brad Grantham.
>Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989 Regents of the University of California.
>See the About box for more copyright information.

>To install for the first time:
        * Choose Install from the file menu and install at least the base
          package.  Any other packages may be installed now, as well.
        * Choose Build Devices from the file menu.
        * Boot BSD into single-user mode and follow the INSTALL instructions.

>NOTE: Due to the THINK C interface that the installer uses, we are not
      able to provide CMD-key equivalents for menu items.  Sorry...
>sd0 at scsi ID 0.
>sd1 at scsi ID 6.
>Mounting partition 'A' as /
>Choose file to unpack
>bad checksum in tar header 3116 0
>Probably not a valid tar file.
>Try using the mini-shell and cpin or cpout.
>Finished extracting base11.

thanks for you're help

Steve Reid

Steven B. Reid
501-782-9966 0ffice
501-782-6049 Fax
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, 
power and magic in it. Only engage and the mind grows heated--Begin
it, and the work will be completed.                      