Subject: Re: Alpha/beta releases of ISC DHCPD and BIND 9 in -current?
To: M Graff <>
From: Adam Hamsik <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/10/2007 21:08:52
On Nov,Saturday 10 2007, at 7:27 PM, M Graff wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Clearly, this is somewhat of a biased opinion, since I work at ISC.
> Please don't think though that I'm pushing for this idea just  
> because of
> that.  :)
> ISC has a dhcp server which does both IPv4 and IPv6.  It would be  
> really
> cool if NetBSD supported this out of the box, and it would be really
> helpful for ISC to have more testers.  When the final version of DHCP
> v4.0 comes out, having a working IPv6 client would be something most
> other free Unix-like systems won't have.

This seems to me as pretty good idea.

> Also, BIND 9.5.0 is in alpha testing.  As one of the authors of it, I
> consider it stable.  :)  It has a rather interesting feature set,
> including vastly improved cache performance, and a disabled-by-default
> HTTP-accessible statistics system.

Problem is that some people uses -current for dhcp/dns servers because  
they need new features from -current. IMO we want to be able to build  
standard last release versions of bind/dhcpd in current ,too. I think  
about mk.conf variable for selecting alpha/release builds in -current.  
alpha should be default in -current IMO.

> What do people think about the idea of tracking these pre-release
> versions up to the next major release, and doing so for the next
> alpha/beta/release cycle?  I'm obviously volunteering to maintain them
> in -current, either out of my own time or as part of my work at  
> ISC.  As
> a developer at ISC, I believe I'll be a good judge of when to pull in
> the next pre-release code set, and keep compiles working and the  
> runtime
> not crashing.

