Subject: Re: AGP support for Intel GM965
To: None <>
From: Jared D. McNeill <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/08/2007 12:06:09
On Sat, 8 Sep 2007 17:52:34 +0200
Joel CARNAT <> wrote:
> It is not better - I get the same error - see attached logs.

Please update your sources, you are running a very old kernel from the

> BTW, I also tested the APM feature (`boot -s` and `apm -d -z`).
> I have the same results with the GENERIC.MP and your kernel:
> - the laptop falls asleep.
> - when it powers on, the screen is blank, I can seem to type anything
> (the reboot, shutdown command type blindly does not reboot the
> computer).
> - when I power off/on the computer, it starts a normal boot.

MP is not yet supported.

> The only diffrence is that GENERIC seems to put the computer in "deep
> sleep" (that is no LDE blinking) where your kernel puts it in "light
> sleep" (that is the front LED flashing) ; both with `apm -z`.

This is a Dell laptop, correct? To wake a UP kernel, you will probably
need the following:

 1. sysctl -w machdep.acpi_vbios_reset=0
 2. Install sysutils/vbetools package, and on resume, run:

  /usr/pkg/sbin/vbetool post
