Subject: Re: [Fwd: System hung...]
To: e.stiebler <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/30/2007 09:16:52
Johnny Billquist skrev:
> e.stiebler skrev:
>> Johnny Billquist wrote:
>>>> Yes, I'm getting now the "same" here. Checked out the CVS last night
>>>> compiled new userland and kernel. With the new kernel the system
>>>> bombs after few minutes into the debugger. the old kernel and
>>>> userland works for hours (that how I compiled the new userland &
>>>> kernel). Now I'm trying to install the userland on the old kernel,
>>>> just in case the userland and kernel are out of sync ...
>>> That's another issue. I'm actually working on orting that out, and
>>> the crashes I've gotten rid of. But now I get hung systems instead,
>>> after a few hours...
>>> (I can send you the patches tonight.)
>> Did you check the patches in the meantime into the cvs ?
> Sorry. I'm not a netbsd developer, and don't have the rights needed to
> check anything in myself.
> Also, this is just experimenting, so it's probably not a good idea to
> check it in without actually confirming a bit more that these patches
> are ok, and not actually the cause of these "hangs" I now see...
> Anyway, here's the patch:
> ...
> umm... I can't get cvs to work right now. I'll get back with a diff in a
> while.
> Johnny
Ah. Now cvs feels like working again...
Index: sys/arch/vax/vax/pmap.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/vax/vax/pmap.c,v
retrieving revision 1.150
diff -c -r1.150 pmap.c
*** sys/arch/vax/vax/pmap.c 17 May 2007 14:51:34 -0000 1.150
--- sys/arch/vax/vax/pmap.c 30 Aug 2007 07:10:14 -0000
*** 91,97 ****
* Page 4: unused
long scratch;
! #define SCRATCHPAGES 4
struct pmap kernel_pmap_store;
--- 91,97 ----
* Page 4: unused
long scratch;
! #define SCRATCHPAGES 3
struct pmap kernel_pmap_store;
*** 324,330 ****
scratch = istack + ISTACK_SIZE;
/* Physical-to-virtual translation table */
! pv_table = (struct pv_entry *)(scratch + 3 * VAX_NBPG);
avail_start = (vaddr_t)pv_table + (round_page(avail_end >> PGSHIFT)) *
sizeof(struct pv_entry) - KERNBASE;
--- 324,330 ----
scratch = istack + ISTACK_SIZE;
/* Physical-to-virtual translation table */
! pv_table = (struct pv_entry *)(scratch + SCRATCHPAGES * VAX_NBPG);
avail_start = (vaddr_t)pv_table + (round_page(avail_end >> PGSHIFT)) *
sizeof(struct pv_entry) - KERNBASE;
*** 560,572 ****
struct pm_share *ps;
ps = pm->pm_share;
while (ps != NULL) {
ps->ps_pcb->P0BR = pm->pm_p0br;
ps->ps_pcb->P0LR = pm->pm_p0lr|AST_PCB;
ps->ps_pcb->P1BR = pm->pm_p1br;
ps->ps_pcb->P1LR = pm->pm_p1lr;
! ps = ps->ps_next;
/* If curlwp uses this pmap update the regs too */
--- 560,576 ----
struct pm_share *ps;
+ if (pm == NULL) return; /* bqt */
ps = pm->pm_share;
while (ps != NULL) {
+ if (ps->ps_pcb != NULL) { /* bqt */
ps->ps_pcb->P0BR = pm->pm_p0br;
ps->ps_pcb->P0LR = pm->pm_p0lr|AST_PCB;
ps->ps_pcb->P1BR = pm->pm_p1br;
ps->ps_pcb->P1LR = pm->pm_p1lr;
! }
! ps = ps->ps_next;
/* If curlwp uses this pmap update the regs too */
*** 1668,1673 ****
--- 1672,1679 ----
pmap = p->p_vmspace->vm_map.pmap;
pcb = &l->l_addr->u_pcb;
+ if (pmap->pm_share == NULL) return; /* bqt */
ps = pmap->pm_share;
if (ps->ps_pcb == pcb) {
pmap->pm_share = ps->ps_next;
Try that, and you shouldn't get the panic crashes. But the system will still
hang after a number of hours.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol