Subject: Re: HEADS UP: wide curses code merged to HEAD
To: Marcin Michal Jessa <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/17/2007 08:20:59
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On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 12:43:34PM +0200, Marcin Michal Jessa wrote:
>  After this change the console boot message looks strange.
>  It is spawned all over the screen with both white and green console text
>  in the top and bottom of the screen.
>  There are also blue squares showing up and disappearing in the bottom of=
>  screen.
>  I noticed it on x86 with NetBSD 4.99.20 from yesterday running XEN 3.1.0

This is nothing to do with curses.  I got it too after upgrading the
xen vmm (but with the same recent dom0 kernel as previously).

For me, when the xen kernel started it kicked the vga into 50-line
mode.  I presumed the resulting mess on the dom0 console was as a
result of it mapping the memory as if it were still in 25-line mode,
but I haven't yet looked any further.


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