Subject: Re: with -j & persistent "error 255"
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/17/2007 03:05:48
In article <>,
the carlos  <> wrote:
>Ditto here.  Also, cleaning out the obj directory before running
>" -j4 tools" prolongs the inescapable error 255.
>Could this issue affect more than just the build toolchain?  It could
>be a coincidence, but after upgrading from 4.99.16 to 4.99.19 eariler
>this week, postgresql 8.2.4 has started to hang on vacuuming and
>large updates.  Rather quickly, disk i/o stops and one processor core
>(of 4) goes to 100% utilization.
>Maybe that lwp change that just went in is to blame for both problems?

Yes, I see that too... The error 255. It is easy enough to reproduce so
it will be fixed soon.
