Subject: Re: RE : Re: Compile error
To: kamel derouiche <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/08/2007 19:20:13
On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 05:18:49PM +0200, kamel derouiche wrote:
> I don't know how to use nbconfig from $TOOLDIR/bin and
> how create it

It is easy: say you have the source tree in /usr/src, then you
start with something like:

   cd /usr/src
   ./ tools

Or you can look up the various options by running " -h" first.
The script will tell you various information before building
the tools, one of those is the TOOLDIR location (which depends on the
options you pass to it and/or settings in /etc/mk.conf). After the
build finishes, you will find in that TOOLDIR a bin subdirectory, and
in there a "nbconfig" program.

This "nbconfig" is just the same as config(1) - but took care
to build it even if your build host is not NetBSD-current.
