Subject: Re: acpi functional porting
To: Brian de Alwis <>
From: Chavdar Ivanov <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/2007 22:10:50
On 20/02/07, Brian de Alwis <> wrote:
> On 2007.02.20 13:50:21 +0000, Chavdar Ivanov wrote:
> > I'll try the suspend now - risking a
> > few minutes fsck...
> Use of `umount -f' should prevent the need for fscks.

The root f/s cannot be forcibly unmounted (and that's all I've got on
the laptop).

Anyway, no biggie. I tried  'sysctl -w machdep.sleep_state={3|4}' and
'apm -z' (I've got apm at apci) with similar results - can't come back
from sleep (and hibernate - 4 - just prints a message from pckbc).
Gnome battery applet is quite amusing - right now it says "System is
running on battery power 1092 hours 15 minutes (99%) remaining". In
fact it is on external power supply. If I momentarily disconnect the
power supply it comes to it's senses - first with the correct (sort
of) time remaining; then when I reconnect the external power, it
changes icon and reports AC power.

> Brian.
> --
>   Brian de Alwis | Software Practices Lab | UBC |
>       "Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli