Subject: Re: After newlock2 merge: Different pthread behavior for userland programs?
To: None <>
From: matthew sporleder <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/17/2007 07:55:08
On 2/17/07, Markus W Kilbinger <> wrote:
> Hi!
> Just for my clarification;
> Do(es) the recent newlock2 changes / merge show up in a (n interim?)
> different bahvior for userland porograms?
> I'm running asterisk on a cobalt qube2 which works quite flawlessly
> (well, only core dumps at shutdown) with recent pre-newlock2 -current
> kernel and userland (especially libpthread*).
> After updating the whole machine to the newlock2 base (kernel +
> userland) asterisk seems to startup fine, but does no longer accept
> (all) incoming phone calls!?
> Just reverting to my most recent pre-newlock2 kernel and libpthread*
> (source of Feb 7th) restores the old, correct asterisk behavior.
> It does not seem to depend on asterisk compilation environment (it
> compiles fine with newlock and pre-newlock2 userland), newlock2 and
> pre-newlock2 compiled asterisks both show the faulty behavior with
> newlock2 kernel and libpthread* and both work fine with the
> pre-newlock2 kernel and libpthread*.
> So, does the newlock2 merge result in a different pthread
> functionality for userland programs?
> Any comments/explanations appreciated,

I don't have a lot of asterisk experience, but can you get trace/debug
info for it to see if the daemon initialized correctly and is
"listening" all the way?  And if so, what is it actually doing when a
call comes in?

I don't think the pthread functionality was -supposed- to change.  At
least, not for the worse.  ;)