Subject: cvsup for i386 on amd64 using COMPAT_NETBSD32
To: None <>
From: Blair Sadewitz <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/16/2007 06:21:56
When I try to run it, this happens:
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_write(0x1, 0x817f00c, 0x22) = 34
"Connecting to\n"
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_fcntl(0x1, 0x4, 0x2) = 0
6477 1 cvsup compat_30_netbsd32_socket(0x2, 0x1, 0) = 3
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_setsockopt(0x3, 0xffff, 0x80, 0xffffffffffffd590
, 0x8) = 0
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_setsockopt(0x3, 0x6, 0x1, 0xffffffffffffd58c, 0x
4) = 0
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_fcntl(0x3, 0x3, 0) = 2
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_fcntl(0x3, 0x4, 0x6) = 0
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_connect(0x3, 0xffffffffffffd570, 0x10) Err#36 EI
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_select(0x4, 0x817c144, 0x817c154, 0x817c164, 0)
= 1
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_connect(0x3, 0xffffffffffffd5a0, 0x10) Err#56 EI
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_setsockopt(0x3, 0x6, 0x1, 0xffffffffffffd5cc, 0x
4) = 0
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_fcntl(0x1, 0x3, 0) = 2
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_fcntl(0x1, 0x4, 0x6) = 0
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_write(0x1, 0x817f00c, 0x21) = 33
"Connected to\n"
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_fcntl(0x1, 0x4, 0x2) = 0
xffffffffffffd610, 0x80e9a1c, 0x1) Err#22 EINVAL
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_write(0x2, 0x816a0c0, 0xa1) = 161
"\n\n***\n*** runtime error:\n*** ASSERT failed\n*** file "/usr/"
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_write(0x2, 0x816a0c0, 0x2f) = 47
" use option @M3stackdump to get a stack trace\n"
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32___sigprocmask14(0x3, 0xffffffffffffd510, 0) = 0
6477 1 cvsup getpid() = 6477
6477 1 cvsup netbsd32_kill(0x194d, 0x6) = 0
6477 1 cvsup SIGABRT SIG_DFL
I assume it's trying to set a socket option that is not supported by
the emulation; am I right?
If so, is this expected behavior?
I have all COMPAT_?? options, EXEC_ELF32, and COMPAT_NETBSD32 in my
kernel. This has been reported by someone else here, which is what
led me to try it. Well, that and wanting to use cvsup without spending
twelve years bootstrapping a modula-3 compiler, heh.
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"The frivolity and boredom which unsettle the established order, the
vague foreboding of something unknown, these are the heralds of
approaching change. The gradual crumbling that left unaltered the the
face of the whole is cut short by a sunburst which, in one flash,
illuminates the features of the new world." --G.W.F. Hegel,
_Phenomenology of Spirit_ 5:11