Subject: Re: Next Hackathon this weekend: getting ready to re-branch for 4.0
To: None <>
From: Noud deBrouwer <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/22/2006 17:37:37
Mark Weinem wrote:
> haad writes:
>>>Can we generate install iso images for all architectures for current
>>>before hackatton starts?
>>>It's easier to test install procedure if I only need to download
my reasoning was.. it's part the process.
start find read install perse..and fail where apropriate ;)
and prepare: .. w/ a matrix/cube containing:
install procedures (floppies, BOOTP, TFTPD, PXE thingies) as in:
available hardware (the total) in two .. hw & emulation.
supply ourselfs w/ working/validatable previous same setups (where
and split
the work..