Subject: Re: ZFS
To: Zafer Aydogan <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/30/2006 14:41:11
thus Zafer Aydogan spake:
> 2006/8/26, Timo Schoeler <>:
>> > On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 12:49:03AM +0200, Timo Schoeler wrote:
>> i think that you (still) didn't get the point; it's not about what's
>> right or wrong today, or about which compromise to go.
>> it's more a psychological thing; (unfortunely) we're living in a
>> *capitalistic* world. if vendor A doesn't have to publish documentation
>> in order to get free (really free) operating systems support the card or
>> whatever the vendor released, vendor B, C and D, who used to open up
>> their documentation, will stop doing so.
>> why? because there are managers and lawyers without *any* clue of what's
>> going on in the real world -- they just want to optimize their company
>> to make more money (profit), in most cases regardless of who has to die
>> or whatever.
> Come on Timo, let's talk like grown ups and not like kids.

who's not? :)

> I'm not the type of anarchist guy, who wants to live in a "free" world.

neither am i. i'm just trying to figure out that without *fighting* for 
alternatives there won't be any in a decade. that means death to almost, 
if not all open source movement. period.

> I don't care what Debian does and I don't care about their policies.

neither do i.

> I
> don't deny Microsoft Windows.

neither do i. i don't use it out of 'political reasons' first, and then 
technical reasons as well.

> If a company can make money, it is their
> right to do it.

depends on the way, yes. it's morally not okay to get rich selling 
hydrogen bombs. 99% of corporations today don't give a shit on people's 
lifes, i don't have to tell you, zafer. as i get from your email 
address, you're lucky to live in a 'first world country' (well, at the 
moment). have a look out of the window. why's halliburton making so much 
money? etc. etc. but that's very OT now.

 > And if they do not want to publish documentation, they
> shouldn't.

yip. and face the consequences. surely it's just a tiny part of their 
sales, but a growing one.

> If you can't deal with it, you should not whine on this
> list.

i don't do and i did not. to repeat myself:

i'm just trying to figure out that without *fighting* for alternatives 
there won't be any in a decade.

> Therefore, I don't like people who try to convince me, that
> their OS is the best,

nobody on this list did. so stop 'whining' (btw: word of the decade on

> or like in your case, I don't like people who
> try to convince NetBSD not to use blobs or whatsoever.

i'm not trying to convince anybody. i just want to figure out the 

'I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.'

> Greets, Zafer.


Timo Schoeler | |
RISCworks -- Perfection is a powerful message
ISP | POWER & PowerPC afficinados | Networking, Security, BSD services
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