Subject: Re: Versioning filesystem in NetBSD
To: Thilo Jeremias <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/29/2006 10:49:28
Thilo Jeremias wrote:
> Johnny Billquist wrote:
>> Don't know enough about portalfs and other stuff in Unix to tell if
>> any could be adopted to something similar to VMS.
>> VMS isn't exactly copy on write either. There is a lot more (and less)
>> to it.
> Admited, the last time I used that was '89 so I don't really remember.
> (But I'm curious, and as far as I remember an env-var specified how many
> versions to keep, and in the editor, a save created a new version.
> -- easy to undo bad changes even after several modifications.
VMS basically works like this:
Each file can have a number of versions available. The filename can
either explicitly tell which version you're referring to, it can be
implied, or there are a few "special" version numbers.
Explicit version number: open for read is obvious. Create will delete
the old contents, and you'll write new data to the file instead. Open
for append and the old data is still around, but the file before the
append as such is no longer around. You can also open the file with
write access, and overwrite parts of the data.
Version 0 and -1 is special. Version 0 on open for read or append means
you select the newest version of the file existing. Version 0 on create
means create a new version with a number one larger than the current
highest number now existing.
Version -1 means the oldest existing version.
If no version number is given, it normally defaults to version 0. So, by
just opening a file for reading without specifying a version number
means you'll get the latest version. If you then write the data back to
the same filename, you'll get a new version of the file written (as
typically editors do).
VMS also automatically can delete old versions of a file. It's not
associated with a logical name (which would be the VMS thing most like
environment variables). Instead, this is an attribute of the file. Each
file have information on how many versions of the file to keep. (Hmm,
thinking of it, I might remember wrong, and that it's actually kept in
the directory information as well, but anyway, you get the idea...
TOPS-20 do the same thing, so I might be confusing them... Different
files can have different number of versions kept.)
You can also explicitly remove old versions with the PURGE command,
telling how many versions you want to keep.
Commands dealing with files can also wildcard the version numbers, just
as the filenames themself.
If one program rewrites a file that another program have open, then the
changes will be visible immediately. However, for this to happen, both
programs must also allow this to be possible. When you access files in
VMS, you also give information on how other programs are allowed to
access the file while you have it open. Deleted files are only actually
removed when the last program that have the file open closes it.
There are a lot more tricks available in this area, but I don't think we
need to talk about those things here.
With this information available perhaps someone can help with
information if anything similar have been implemented, or would be
possible to implement in Unix. I haven't seen any myself, but I haven't
really been searching either.