Subject: Re: ZFS
To: Mark Weinem <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/26/2006 00:49:03
thus Mark Weinem spake:
> Timo Schoeler wrote:
>> thus Mark Weinem spake:
>>> Zafer Aydogan wrote:
>>>> We should join and try to port it NetBSD, or port it from FreeBSD,
>>>> when it's finished.
>>>> The variety of file systems for NetBSD is growing and that's great.
>>>> ffs,jffs,lfs,zfs :)
>>> So there are no problems with ZFS's icense (CDDL)? I ask because
>>> I just today found a statement claiming that the "NetBSD folks" are very
>>> sceptical about SUN's CDDL license.
>>> Greetings, Mark Weinem
>> [....] the FreeBSD community doesn't care much about _real_ open 
>> source spririt, e.g. they accept blob drivers (well, i saw some 
>> similar movement in the NEB community either).
> I think this statement is very unfair, as FreeBSD is releasing 
> "_real_open source"
> every day!

i didn't say that FreeBSD does not; i just said that blobs are evil, 
regardless of the 'usefulness' or the amount of blobs integrated into an 
OS or pkgsrc/ports infrastructure.

> And the FreeBSD-project seems  to be very open to integrate 
> features
> and technologies from other open source projects like Linux or OpenSolaris.

no problem, there's source, there's non-GPL stuff.

> But we should rnot support petitions and ask vendors for OS-specific
> binary-only drivers. Nvdia drivers for FreeBSD and NetBSD without the 
> possibility for
> all the other and smaller Open Source projects to profit - no thanks!  
> It's no problem for me that blob drivers work with Free- oder NetBSD  - 
> but we should really not demand them.

yeah, and that's the point. as soon as one accepts a blob from any 
vendor they will say in future that you accepted it and don't see the 
necessity of opening their documentation (i.e. NOT the design itself, 
but the docs).

accepting blobs will trap you onto i386/amd64 in future -- or is there a 
driver (blob), say, for an ATI card built into an U60? no. will there 
ever be one? no, as there are 10 or so people using this combination on 
the planet...

that's the problem. as soon as you accept blobs, you're stuck with them, 
as it's 'sufficient to use our hardware'. blabla.

> And why do we discuss about blobs here? OpenSolaris, ZFS, DTrace, etc. 
> are all
> Open Source  but just not BSD-licensed.

that wasn't the point ;)

> Greetings, Mark

