Subject: Re: ZFS
To: None <>
From: Mark Weinem <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/24/2006 01:02:25
Timo Schoeler wrote:
> thus Mark Weinem spake:
>> Zafer Aydogan wrote:
>>> We should join and try to port it NetBSD, or port it from FreeBSD,
>>> when it's finished.
>>> The variety of file systems for NetBSD is growing and that's great.
>>> ffs,jffs,lfs,zfs :)
>> So there are no problems with ZFS's icense (CDDL)? I ask because
>> I just today found a statement claiming that the "NetBSD folks" are very
>> sceptical about SUN's CDDL license.
>> Greetings, Mark Weinem
> [....] the FreeBSD community doesn't care much about _real_ open 
> source spririt, e.g. they accept blob drivers (well, i saw some 
> similar movement in the NEB community either).
I think this statement is very unfair, as FreeBSD is releasing 
"_real_open source"
every day! And the FreeBSD-project seems  to be very open to integrate 
and technologies from other open source projects like Linux or OpenSolaris.

But we should rnot support petitions and ask vendors for OS-specific
binary-only drivers. Nvdia drivers for FreeBSD and NetBSD without the 
possibility for
all the other and smaller Open Source projects to profit - no thanks!   

It's no problem for me that blob drivers work with Free- oder NetBSD  - 
but we should 
really not demand them.

And why do we discuss about blobs here? OpenSolaris, ZFS, DTrace, etc. 
are all
Open Source  but just not BSD-licensed.

Greetings, Mark