Subject: Re: wd0 latency
To: Arnaud Lacombe <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/12/2006 06:57:46
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On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 04:28:23PM +0200, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:

> I've got a problem with my laptop at boot time with the detection of
> wd0: there is a really huge latency before and after the probe of the
> hard disk (about 10s after the probe, 2s or 3s before).

I see the same, though not the __wdcwait: timeout messages, I guess
they come from DEBUG or DIAGNOSTIC which aren't in this kernel.  If
I'd seen those I would have been much more motivated to find the
problem.. :)

> This problem occurs since March or April (I don't know exactly, sorry).

Yeah, or maybe even a little earlier. There were some changes to ata
and the default value for the number of drives that were suspiciously
close to the time it started for me.

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