Subject: Re: opt_fileassoc.h missing -> kernel build problem
To: Gary Thorpe <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/25/2006 13:48:19
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On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 02:37:15PM -0400, Gary Thorpe wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded the local sources using SUP to see if that would solve
> the problem, but it has persisted. It seems an option is not specified
> in the config files that is required (and would generate
> opt_fileassoc.h). Checking GENERIC, these options are present:

No, what you need to do is re-run config. These two lines in conf/files:

defflag opt_fileassoc.h         FILEASSOC
defparam opt_fileassoc.h        FILEASSOC_NHOOKS

will cause config to generate the file.

The file is always generated, even if these options aren't selected.=20
That's the point; the opt_*.h files change when certain options change,=20
permitting normal Makefile dependencies to correctly rebuild parts of the=
kernel after the change.

Take care,


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