Subject: Re: HEADS UP: timecounters (branch simonb-timecounters) merged into -current
To: Frank Kardel <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/23/2006 18:51:54
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On Fri, Jun 23, 2006 at 09:19:22AM +0200, Frank Kardel wrote:
> I will update that page tonight (UTC+2) to include
> the doc work tasks - I also need to catch up on any committed
> counters. I think I saw three additional ones and another converted
> port (prep).

I can confirm that both the ACPI and piixpm counters work for me (and
pretty clearly seem to be the same underlying counter with identical
frequency, on my laptop at least).

I'm also assuming that of the two accessors, piixpm might be
preferable for lower overhead because it wouldn't involve calls via
ACPI and AML?  Or does it all wind up a wash because ACPI is just used
to find the same register address at initialisation?


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