Subject: Re: netstat problem with ksyms.
To: Pavel Cahyna <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/28/2006 23:34:07
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On Sat, May 27, 2006 at 11:31:17PM +0200, Pavel Cahyna wrote:
> On Sat, May 27, 2006 at 09:39:54PM +0100, Chavdar Ivanov wrote:
> > On 5/27/06, Pavel Cahyna <> wrote:
> > >Thanks. Did it work before? Or is it your first kernel built with
> Please, please, could you answer this question?
> > >Another question, do you use grub from pkgsrc? Which version?
> > >
> > >BTW I think grub should be able to (somehow) boot a kernel without
> >=20
> > Well, Quentin's remark earlier was spot on I think. The same kernel
> > works just fine if loaded by the same grub (from pkgsrc -
> > grub-0.97nb5) if I use the chainloader option:
> I don't think Quentin remark was correct. I was successfully booting
> NetBSD with GRUB (without chainloading) at least in 1.6. Also, I remember
> that some patches to improve this support were added to pkgsrc quite
> recently.

Care to guess in which release ksyms appeared?

I don't see anything in pkgsrc about new (well, it's hardly new after
what, 6 years?) bootparams.  The MULTIBOOT stuff is a completely
different deal;  it's not "native" NetBSD boot.

I'd really like if someone would kill grub's ability to (non-MULTIBOOT)
boot NetBSD kernels.  Or fix it, pick your choice.

Quentin Garnier - -
"When I find the controls, I'll go where I like, I'll know where I want
to be, but maybe for now I'll stay right here on a silent sea."
KT Tunstall, Silent Sea, Eye to the Telescope, 2004.

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