Subject: 3.99.16 current build fails on i386
To: None <>
From: Przemyslaw Jurczak <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/03/2006 15:12:41
I have fresh (update this morning) sources from cvs.

/usr/tools/bin/i386--netbsdelf-objcopy -O binary bootxx_msdos.sym 
### bootxx_msdos size 7708 is larger than 7680

*** Failed target:  bootxx_msdos
*** Failed command: sz=$(ls -ln bootxx_msdos|tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f5); 
if [ "$sz" -gt "$(( 15 * 512 ))" ]; then echo "### bootxx_msdos size $sz 
is larger than $(( 15 * 512 ))" >&2; rm bootxx_msdos; ! :; else : pad to 
sector boundary; pad=$(( 512 - ( $sz & 511 ) )); [ $pad = 512 ] || dd 
if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$pad >>bootxx_msdos 2>/dev/null; echo 
"bootxx_msdos size $sz, $(($(( 15 * 512 )) - $sz)) free"; fi
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/bootxx/bootxx_msdos

*** Failed target:  dependall
*** Failed command: cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/bootxx/bootxx_msdos; 
/usr/tools/bin/nbmake realall
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/bootxx/bootxx_msdos

*** Failed target:  dependall-bootxx_msdos
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) 
real="/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/bootxx" ;; *) 
real="/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/bootxx/${dir}" ;; esac; 
show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd 
"${real}" && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; 
}; _makedirtarget bootxx_msdos dependall
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/bootxx

*** Failed target:  dependall-bootxx
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) 
this="sys/arch/i386/stand/"; real="/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand" ;; *) 
real="/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/${dir}" ;; esac; show=${this:-.}; 
echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd "${real}" && 
/usr/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; }; 
_makedirtarget bootxx dependall
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand

*** Failed target:  dependall-stand
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) 
this="sys/arch/i386/"; real="/usr/src/sys/arch/i386" ;; *) 
this="sys/arch/i386/${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/${dir}" ;; 
esac; show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; 
cd "${real}" && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" 
${target}; }; _makedirtarget stand dependall
*** Error code 1
nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386

*** Failed target:  dependall-i386
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) 
this="sys/arch/"; real="/usr/src/sys/arch" ;; *) 
this="sys/arch/${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/sys/arch/${dir}" ;; esac; 
show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd 
"${real}" && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; 
}; _makedirtarget i386 dependall
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/sys/arch

*** Failed target:  dependall-arch
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) 
this="sys/"; real="/usr/src/sys" ;; *) this="sys/${dir}/"; 
real="/usr/src/sys/${dir}" ;; esac; show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} 
===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd "${real}" && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake 
_THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; }; _makedirtarget arch dependall
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/sys

*** Failed target:  dependall-sys
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) this=""; 
real="/usr/src" ;; *) this="${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/${dir}" ;; esac; 
show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd 
"${real}" && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; 
}; _makedirtarget sys dependall
*** Error code 1
nbmake: stopped in /usr/src

*** Failed target:  do-build
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) this=""; 
real="/usr/src" ;; *) this="${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/${dir}" ;; esac; 
show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd 
"${real}" && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; 
}; _makedirtarget . dependall BUILD_tools=no BUILD_lib=no
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src

*** Failed target:  build
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) this=""; 
real="/usr/src" ;; *) this="${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/${dir}" ;; esac; 
show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd 
"${real}" && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; 
}; _makedirtarget . do-build
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src

ERROR: Failed to make build