Subject: Re: wi0 + wep network problems
To: None <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/26/2006 21:00:49
Jeff Ito <> writes:

> P.S. I noticed (and confirmed on another wired host to make sure they
> were not related) that ipv6 interfaces (or routes, or *something*)
> do not come up correctly after a /etc/rc.d/network restart.  After a
> restart I cannot communicate at all over ipv6 until a reboot.
> I have not spent a lot of time tracking this down yet since it is not 
> my most pressing issue.

I'm aware of this problem but I haven't diagnosed the cause yet..

  Rui Paulo			<rpaulo@{NetBSD{,-PT}.org,}>