Subject: Re: Splash screen boot HOWTO
To: None <>
From: Bob Lee <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/23/2006 15:03:02
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Quoting Jared D. McNeill <>:
> On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 21:40 +0000, Rui Paulo wrote:
> > "Jared D. McNeill" <> writes:
> >=20
> > > I've imported the splash screen support for vesafb on i386. For a
> > > completely graphical boot (up to login prompt or xdm), you need to do
> > > the following:
Sorry if this is an inappropriate post, but I just got a nice new (to
me) 21" monitor. I spend most of my time in the console. I would like
to 'pretty' up the console, perhaps using a more suitable font -- will
the vesafb allow me to do anything? I seem to remember that I could
control the fonts in a limited way a while back using the pcvt driver.
I am currently running i386 current. Thanks a million.
Bob Lee
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