Subject: NetBSD iSCSI HOWTOs
To: None <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/21/2006 23:22:41
If you've been following the source-changes mailing list, you will
have seen that NetBSD has grown an iSCSI target.

To help with setting up the iSCSI target, I've prepared a small
"HOWTO", which outlines the 3 steps that you need to do to set it up. 
These aren't exactly onerous (Step 3 is "Congratulations, you have it

It's at:

I've also prepared a HOWTO (in PDF form) for configuring the
Microsoft iSCSI initiator, connecting to the target, formatting a
partition on the blocks that the target is presenting, and then
using the new drive partition. That document is bigger, but it has
lots of pretty pictures, for obvious reasons. It's at:
