Subject: Re: Current won't build
To: conte zero <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/08/2006 12:41:20
On Feb 8,  5:27pm, (conte zero) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: Current won't build

| also it exist in Makefile, but the md4c.c file don't exist in the
| current source tree and
| the md5c.c is in src/dist/ntp/libntp/ path.
| I think there was some change in md* source file, but is not updated
| the Makefile to reflect
| this change. So how have remove md4c.c file? how have move md5c.c file?
| best regards.

You are somehow missing the src/common subtree from your source tree...
