Subject: Re: Current won't build
To: None <>
From: conte zero <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/08/2006 17:27:59
> | I have open the file /home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools/compat/Makefile and
> | look at SRCS
> | variable:
> |
> | SRCS=3D3D...
> | md2.c md2hl.c md4c.c md4hl.c md5c.c md5hl.c mkdtemp.c \
> | ...
> |
> | but md4c.c file don't exist in the current source tree. So must been
> | add the md4c.c
> | source to the source tree or remove md4c.c from makefile?
> | After there is a problem with md5, because the source are in this direc=
> | :
> | /home/devel1/netbsd/src/lib/libc/md/md5hl.c
> | /home/devel1/netbsd/src/dist/ntp/libntp/md5c.c
> | but the -PATH variable in tools/compat/Makefile have this definition:
> | .PATH:...
> | ${.CURDIR}/../../lib/libc/hash/md5 \
> | ...
> | what is the right solution according to netbsd-current develop?
> | thanks
> The path should also contain:
> ${.CURDIR}/../../common/lib/libc/md \
> which is where those two files are, doesn't it?
> christos
thanks for rapid answer, but it is not right.
the path:
${.CURDIR}/../../common/lib/libc/md \
exist in the Makefile, but the md4hl.c and md5hl.c files are in this path:
${.CURDIR}/../../lib/libc/md/ \
also it exist in Makefile, but the md4c.c file don't exist in the
current source tree and
the md5c.c is in src/dist/ntp/libntp/ path.
I think there was some change in md* source file, but is not updated
the Makefile to reflect
this change. So how have remove md4c.c file? how have move md5c.c file?
best regards.