Subject: HEADS UP: UDF file system added to NetBSD source tree
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/02/2006 22:01:14
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Dear folks,
I'm pleased to announce to have added a new implementation of the UDF file
system to the NetBSD source tree.
UDF is a file system defined by the OSTA standardisation group and is
tailored for data interchange on optical discs (like CDs and DVDs)
between different operating systems. Its also more and more common on other
media like Compact Flash (CF) cards.
Harddisc partitions and vnd(4) devices may also be mounted. Note when
mounting a vnd(4) device it might be nessisary to specify the file image
sector size in the geomspec when creating the vnd(4) device or the disc
sector size will be used.
Currently only read access is supported to all media types that CD/DVD type
drives can recognize including DVD-RAM and BlueRay drives. Write access is
planned and in preparation.
Implemented and tested media types are CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-MRW,
DVD-ROM, DVD*R, DVD*RW, DVD+MRW but the same code can also read DVD-RAM,
HD-DVD and BluRay discs. Discs created and written by UDFclient, Nero's
InCD and Roxio's DirectCD/Drag2Disc read fine. Both open and closed media
are supported so there is no need to close discs or close sessions. All
current UDF versions upto version 2.60 are supported.
To enable and try out the UDF file system, download and install the
NetBSD-current kernel and /sbin/mount_udf. In the kernel configuration
enable the UDF file system by adding
file-system UDF
and mount a disc with `mount_udf /dev/cd0a /mnt'.
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