Subject: Re: KDE build doesn't work on 3.0 ?? + other X11 / xsane questions
To: Marc Coevoet <>
From: mark kirby <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/30/2006 18:44:25
Marc Coevoet wrote:
> Op 30-jan-06 om 11:38 heeft Mark Kirby het volgende geschreven:
>> On Sunday 29 January 2006 19:57, Marc Coevoet wrote:
>>> It stops in qt3 libs while compiling qmake ...
>> It built fine here using current pkgsrc and current.
> Do I need to download the new pgsrc, when it is 10 days old ???
> Or is there a command (rsynx or svs ??)
There have been some security fixes recently in various kde packages and
if its not building its worth trying the most recent pkgsrc.
You dont need to download all of pkgsrc. You can just use cvs.
You can just cd to pkgsrc and do
cvs -q up -dP
You may have to specify the server and login first if it doesnt work (im
not sure its been a while since i had to do this).
In which case do:
#; export CVSROOT
Please substitute the for the address of a mirror closer to you, you can get a list of mirrors at
# cvs login
The password is anoncvs generally but check the instructions of your mirror.
then do
#cvs -q up -dP
After cvs has finnished updating its best to clean pkgsrc. Just go to the pkgsrc directory and issue a make clean.
Hopefully your build will work this time.