Subject: Re: NetBSD 3.0, named, and sparc64
To: Joel CARNAT <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/27/2005 21:51:17
On Mon, 26 Dec 2005, Joel CARNAT wrote:

> I can't be totally sure for 3.0 (yet) but I'm using 3.0_BETA for quite a
> long time now (on one U5 and one V100). They are both DNS servers (one
> dual view and the other is slave for the internal view) using the
> "internal" bind (aka not the one in pkgsrc). Bind in dying quite often
> (let say from 3 times/day to 1 per week). I don't exactly know why but I
> had to setup a crontab checking if named is up and restarting it if it's
> dead. I thought I might test net/bind9 but never had/took the time to.
> Maybe I did something wrong or it is solved for 3.0, but you should be
> carefull and test before throwing out your SS5 ;)
> PS: I am actually migrating to 3.0-RELEASE, so I'll quickly know if it
> is more stable now. Clamav also has weird behaviour. NTPd, Squid, Apache2/PHP4,
> Postfix, Courier-IMAP, PoPToP, SpamAssassin, Amavisd, RRDTool,
> SquirrelMail, hobbit, album (I can't remember anything else) run like a
> charm.

 	As a test you could try NetBSD/sparc on one of the ultra
 		David/absolute       -- No hype required --